Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Sổ tay tiếng Tây Ban Nha”

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DerFussi (thảo luận | đóng góp)
Đã lùi lại sửa đổi 33209 của NeoMaps (thảo luận)
Dòng 11:
; Đẩy : Empuje (''ehm-POO-heh'')
; Kéo : Tira/Jala (''TEE-rah/HAH-lah'')
; Nhà vệ sinh : Servicios (''sehr-BEE-see-yohs''), also S.H. or S.S.H.H. for Servicios Higiénicos
; Nhà vệ sinh : Baños
; Đàn ông : Hombres (''OHM-brays'') / Caballeros (''kah-bah-YEH-rohs'')
; Phụ nữ : Mujeres (''moo-HEH-rehs'') / Señoras (''sehn-YOH-rahs'')
Dòng 18:
; Chào (thân mật): Hola (''OH-lah'')
; Chúc một ngày tốt lành : Que pasespase un buen día (''keh PAH-seh un BWEHN DEE-ah'')
; Bạn khỏe không? (''thân mật''): ¿Cómo estás? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAHS?'')
; Ngài khỏe không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Cómo está usted? (''KOH-moh ehs-TAH oos-TEHD?'')
Dòng 30:
; Rất vui được gặp bạn: Encantado/a (''ehn-kahn-TAH-doh''/''ehn-kahn-TAH-dah'')
; Đó là một hân hạn khi được gặp các bạn: Mucho gusto. (''MOO-choh GOOS-toh'')
; Làm ơn: Por favor (''POHR fah-VOHRBOHR'')
; Cảm ơn: Gracias (''GRAH-syahs'')
; Không có gì: De nada (''DEHDAY NAH-dah'')
; Vâng: Sí (''SEE'')
; Không: No (''NOH'')
; Tha lỗi cho tôi (''nhận được sự chú ý''): Disculpe (''dees-KOOL-peh'')
Dòng 42:
; Tôi có thể nói được chút ít tiếng Tây Ban Nha : Hablo un poco español. (''ah-BLOH oon POH-koh eha-pah-NYOHL'')
; Tôi không nói được tiếng Tây Ban Nha (well): No hablo (bien) español (''noh AH-bloh (byehn) ehs-pah-NYOL)
; Bạn nói được tiếng VietAnh không? (''thân mật''): ¿Hablas vietnamitainglés? (''AH-blahs een-GLEHS?'')
; Bạn nói được tiếng VietAnh không? (''lịch sự''): ¿Habla usted vietnamitainglés? (''AH-blah oos-TEHD een-GLEHS?'')
; Có người nào ở đây nói được tiếng Anh không? : ¿Hay alguien que hable vietnamitainglés? (''ai ahl-GYEHN keh AH-bleh een-GLEHS?'')
; Giúp tôi với!: ¡Ayuda! (''ah-YOO-dah!'') / ¡Socorro! (''soh-KOHR-roh!'')
; Chào buổi sáng: Buenos días (''BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs'')
Dòng 50:
; Chúc ngủ ngon: Buenas noches (''BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs'')
; Tôi không hiểu: No entiendo (''NOH ehn-TYEHN-doh'')
; Bạn có thể nói chậm một chút không? : ¿PodríasPodría usted hablar más despacio por favor? (''poh-DREE-ah oos-TEHD ah-BLAHR MAHS dehs-PAH-syoh pohr fah-BOHR?'')
; Bạn có thể nói lại không? : ¿PodríasPodría repetírmelousted repetirlo por favor? (''poh-DREE-ah oos-TEHD reh-peh-TEER-loh pohr fah-BOHR?'')
; Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy?: ¿Dónde está el baño? (''DOHN-deh ehss-TAH EHL BAH-nyoh?'') / In Spain: ¿Dónde están los aseos? (''DOHN-deh ehs-TAHN lohs ah-SEH-ohs'')
=== Vấn đề ===
Dòng 69:
; Tôi cần đến bác sĩ. : Necesito un médico. (''neh-seh-SEE-toh OON MEH-dee-coh'')
; Tôi có thể sử dụng điện thoại của bạn? : ¿Puedo usar su teléfono? (''PWEH-doh oo-SAHR soo teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
;Tôi có thể mượn điện thoại / điện thoại di động? : ¿Me presta su celular/móvil? (''meh PREHS-tah soo seh-loo-LAHR / MOH-beel?'') ("celular" ở châu Mỹ; "móvil" ở Tây Ban Nha và châu Phi)
; Tôi cần phải gọi đại sứ quán. : Necesito llamar a la embajada (''neh-seh-SEE-toh yah-MAHR ah lah em-bah-HAH-dah'')
Dòng 201:
; Tháng 7 : julio (''HOO-lyoh'')
; Tháng 8 : agosto (''ah-GOHS-toh'')
; Tháng 9 : setiembreseptiembre (''sehsehp-TYEHM-breh'')
; Tháng 10 : octubre (''ohk-TOO-breh'')
; Tháng 11 : noviembre (''noh-VYEHM-breh'')
Dòng 228:
; cam : naranja (''nah-RAHN-hah''), anaranjado (''ah-nah-rahn-HA-doh'')
; tím : púrpura (''POOR-poo-rah'') , morado (''moh-RAH-doh''), violeta (''vee-oh-LEH-tah'')
; hồng : rosadorosa (''ROH-sah-doh'')
; nâu : marrón (''mahr-ROHN'') (it should be noted "marrón" is used to describe color of objects) , café (''kah-FEH'') (used mostly for skin color, clothing and fabric), castaño (''kahs-TAH-nyoh'') (is used primarily for skin color, eye color and hair color).
Dòng 234:
{{infobox|Common signs|
; STOP : PARE, ALTO, STOP (''PAH-reh, AHL-toh, stohp'')
; NO PARKING : PROHIBIDONO APARCARO / ESTACIONAR (''noh ah-pahr-KAHR-oh/ ehs-tah-syoh-NAR'')
; NO ENTRANCE : PROHIBIDO EL PASO (''pro-ee-BEE-doh el PAHS-oh'')
; SLOW : DESPACIO (''dehs-PAH-syoh'')
; DEAD END : SIN SALIDA (''seen sah-LEE-dah'')
; DANGER : PELIGRO (''peh-LEE-groh'')
; ô tô : carro(''KAHR-roh''), coche (''KOH-cheh''), auto (''OW-toh'')
; xe buýt : busautobús (''boosow-toh-BOOS''), guagua (''GWAH-gwah'')
; xe thùng : vanfurgoneta (''foor-goh-NEH-tah''), combi (''KOHM-bee'')
; xe tải : camión (''kah-MYOHN'')
; máy bay : avión (''ah-BYOHN''), aeroplano (''ah-eh-roh-PLAH-noh'')
; trực thăng : helicóptero (''eh-lee-KOHP-teh-roh'')
; tàu hỏa : tren (''trehn'')
; tàu điện ngầm : metro (''MEH-troh'')
; xe điện : tranvía (''trahntrahns-VYAHBYAH'')
; xe điện chở hành khách : trole (''TROH-leh''), trolebús (''troh-leh-BOOS'')
; thuyền : bote (''BOH-teh'')
; tàu thủy : barco (''BAHR-koh'')
; phà : transbordador (''trahns-bohr-dah-DOHR'')
; phà : ferry
; xe đạp : bicicleta (''bee-see-KLEH-tah'')
; xe máy : motocicleta, moto, moto lineal(''moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah'')
====Bus and Train====
; Giá một vé đến _____ là bao nhiêu? : ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete (Tây Ban Nha) / pasaje (Nam Mỹ) / boleto/billete para(Mexico) a _____? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah oon beeh-YEH-teh/pah-SAH-heh/boe-LAY-toe ___'')
; Một vé đến _____, làm ơn. : Un boleto/pasaje a _____, por favor. (''oon boh-LEH-toh/pah-SAH-heh ah _______, pohr fah-BOHR.'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đi đâu? : ¿HaciaA dóndedonde va este tren/busautobús? (''ah DOHN-deh bah EHS-teh trehn/ ow-toh-BOOS?'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến đâu _____? : ¿DóndeDonde está el tren/busautobús hacia _____? (''DOHN-deh ehs-TAH ehl trehn/ ow-toh-BOOS ah-syah_____?'')
; Tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt có dừng lại ở _____? : ¿EsteSe para este tren/bus paraautobús en? _____? (''seh PAH-rah EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS ehn___?'')
; Khi nào tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt _____ nghỉ? : ¿Cuándo salehace el tren/busautobús haciapara_____ _____departa? (''KWAHN-doh AH-seh ehl trehn/ow-toh-BOOS PAH-rah____deh-PAHR-tah?'')
; Khi nào thì tàu (hỏa)/xe buýt này đến _____? : ¿Cuándo llegará este tren/busautobús a _____? (''KWAHN-doh yeh-gah-RAH EHS-teh trehn/ow-toh-BOOS ah____?'')
; Làm thế nào để tôi đến _____ ? : ¿Cómo puedo llegar a _____ ? (''KOH-moh PWEH-doh yeh-GAHR ah____?'')
Hàng 281 ⟶ 282:
; ...nhà nghỉ thanh niên? : hostal? (''ahl ohs-TAHL'')
; ...khách sạn _____? : ...el hotel _____ ? (''ehl oh-TEHL?'')
; ...tới đại sứ quán Việt Nam? : ...el consulado de vietnamita? (''ehl kohn-soo-LAH-doh deh viet-nam-mitaa'')
; Nơi nào có nhiều... : ¿Dónde hay muchos... (''DOHN-deh eye MOO-chohs'')
; ...khách sạn? : (''oh-TEH-lehs'')
Hàng 289 ⟶ 290:
; Bạn có thể chỉ [vị trí] của tôi trên bản đồ? : ¿Puede enseñarme/mostrarme en el mapa? (''PWEH-deh ehn-seh-NYAHR-meh/mohs-TRAHR-meh ehn ehl MAH-pah?'')
; đường : calle (''KAH-yeh'')
; rẽ trái. : GiraGire/dobladoble/vira/volteada vuelta a la izquierda. (''HEE-reh/DOH-bleh/dah VWEHL-tah ah lah ees-KYEHR-dah'')
; rẽ phải. : Gire/dobladoble/vira/volteada vuelta a la derecha. (''HEE-reh/DOH-bleh/dah VWEHL-tah ah lah deh-REH-chah'')
; trái : izquierda (''ees-KYEHR-dah'')
; phải : derecha (''deh-REH-chah'')
; thẳng về phía trước : siguetodo derecto frente (''TOH-doh REHK-toh'') , siga derecho (''SEE-gah deh-REH-choh'')
; hướng tới _____ : hacia el/la_____ (''HAH-syah ehl/lah'')
; quá _____ : pasandopasado el/la _____ (''pah-SAHNSAH-doh ehl/lah'')
; trước _____ : antes de _____ (''AHN-tehs deh'')
; Cho biết vị trí _____ ở đâu. : busque el/la _____. (''BOOS-keh ehl/lah'')
Hàng 315 ⟶ 316:
; Do you have any rooms available? : ¿Hay habitaciones libres? (''ai ah-bee-tah-SYOH-nehs LI-brehs?'')
; How much does a room cost for one person/two people? : ¿Cuanto cuesta una habitación para una persona/para dos personas? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah OO-nah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN PAH-rah OO-nah pehr-SOH-nah/PAH-rah dohs pehr-SOH-nahs?'')
; Does the room come with...? : ¿La habitación tieneviene con....? (''lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN BYEH-neh kohn?'')
; ...bedsheets? : ...sábanas? (''SAH-bah-nahs?'')
; ...a bathroom? : ...un baño? (''oon BAH-nyoh?'')
; ...a telephone? : ...un teléfono? (''oon teh-LEH-foh-noh?'')
; ...a TV? : ...un televisor? (''oon teh-leh-vee-SOHR?'')
; ...with Internet access? : ...con acceso aal internet? (''kohn ahk-SEH-soh ahl een-terh-NEHT?'')
; ...with room service? : ...con servicio a la habitación? (''kohn sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN?'')
; ...a double bed? : ...una cama doblede matrimonio? (''OO-nah KAH-mah DOHmah-tree-MOH-blehnyoh?'')
; ...a single bed? : ...una cama simplesola? (''OO-nah KAH-mah SOH-lah?'')
; May I see the room first? : ¿Puedo ver la habitación primero? (''PWEH-doh vehr lah ah-bee-tah-SYOHN pree-MEH-roh?'')
; Do you have anything quieter? : ¿Tiene algo más tranquilo? (''TYEH-neh AHL-goh MAHS trahn-KEE-loh?'')
Hàng 334 ⟶ 335:
; Can you suggest other hotels? : ¿Puede recomendarme otros hoteles? (''PWEH-deh reh-koh-mehn-DAHR-meh OH-trohs oh-TEH-lehs?'')
; Do you have a safe? : ¿Hay caja fuerte? (''eye KAH-hah FWEHR-teh?'')
; ...lockers? : ...taquillas?/casilleros?/guardarropasguardaropas?(''tah-KEE-yahs/kah-see-YEH-rohs?/gwah-rdah-ROH-pahs'')
; Is breakfast/supper included? : ¿El desayuno/la cena va incluido/a? (''ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah bah een-kloo-WEE-doh/ah?'')
; What time is breakfast/supper? : ¿A qué hora es el desayuno/la cena? (''ah KEH OH-rah ehs ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh/lah SEH-nah?'')
Hàng 343 ⟶ 344:
; Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? : ¿Aceptan dólares estadounidenses/australianos/canadienses? (''ah-SEHP-tahn DOH-lah-rehs ehs-tah-dow-oo-nee-DEHN-sehs/ows-trah-LYAH-nohs/kah-nah-DYEHN-sehs?'')
; Do you accept British pounds? : ¿Aceptan libras esterlinas británicas? (''ah-SEHP-tahn LEE-brahs ehs-tehr-LEE-nahs bree-TAH-nee-kahs?'')
; Do you accept euros? : ¿Aceptan euros? (''ah-SEHP-tahn eh-OO-rohs?'')
; Do you accept credit cards? : ¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito? (''ah-SEHP-tahn tahr-HEH-tah deh KREH-dee-toh?'')
Hàng 359 ⟶ 360:
; plate : plato (''PLAH-toh'')
; bowl : tazón/bowlcuenco (''tah-SOHN/bowlKWEHN-koh'')
; spoon : cuchara (''koo-CHAH-rah'')
; fork : tenedor (''teh-NEH-dohr'')
Hàng 375 ⟶ 376:
; I don't eat pork. : No como cerdo. (''noh KOH-moh SEHR-doh'')
; I only eat kosher food. : Sólo como comida kosher. (''SOH-loh KOH-moh koh-MEE-dah koh-SHEHR'') (In a restaurant they will stare at you, since "kosher" is as Spanish as "empanada" is English.)
; Can you make it "lightlite", please? (less oil/butter/lard) : ¿PuedenPuede hacerloponer tipopoco lightaceite/ligeropoca mantequilla/poca grasa/manteca? (''PWEH-deh poh-NEHR POH-koh ah-SAY-teh/POH-kah mahn-teh-KEE-yah/POH-kah GRAH-sah/mahn-TEH-kah?'')
; fixed-price meal : comida precio fijo (''koh-MEE-dah preh-see-oh fee-ho'')
; à la carte : a la carta (''ah lah KAHR-tah'')
; breakfast : desayuno (''deh-sah-YOO-noh'')
; lunch : comida (''koh-MEE-dah'') (Spain, Mexico), almuerzo (''ahl-MWEHR-soh'') (South America)
; lunch : almuerzo
; dinner or supper : cena (''SEH-nah'') (everywhere)
; snack : bocado (''boh-KAH-doh'')
; I want _____. : Quiero _____. (''KYEH-roh'')
Hàng 387 ⟶ 389:
; fish : pescado (''pehs-KAH-doh'')
; ham : jamón (''hah-MOHN'')
; sausage : salchicha (''sahl-CHEE-chah''), vienesa (Chile''byeh-NEH-sah'')
; cheese : queso (''KEH-soh'')
; eggs : huevos (''oo-WEH-bohs'')
Hàng 397 ⟶ 399:
; noodles : fideos (''FEE-deh-ohs'')
; rice : arroz (''ahr-ROHS'')
; beans : frijoles (''free-HOH-lehs''), habichuelas (''ah-bee-CHWEH-lahs'')
; May I have a glass of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer un vaso de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR oon BAH-soh deh?'')
; May I have a cup of _____? : ¿Me puede poner/traer una taza de _____? (''meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR OO-nah TAH-sah deh?'')
Hàng 403 ⟶ 405:
; coffee : café (''kah-FEH'')
; tea (''drink'') : té (''TEH'')
; juice : zumo (''THOO-mo'') (Spain), jugo (''HOO-goh'') (South America)
; water : agua (''AH-gwah'')
; (bubbly) water : agua con gas (''AH-gwah kohn gahs'') (if you say ''agua'', if you ask at the bar, it will be tap water (for free), at the table it is normally bottled); ''Agua mineral'' (''AH-gwah mee-neh-RAHL'') is bottled mineral water.
; beer : cerveza (''sehr-VAY-sah'')
; red/white wine : vino tinto/blanco (''BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
Hàng 412 ⟶ 414:
; black pepper : pimienta (''pee-MYEHN-tah'')
; butter : mantequilla (''mahn-teh-KEE-yah'') , manteca (''mahn-TEH-kah'') (in Argentina)
; Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server'): ¡Mozocamarero! (''kah-mah-REH-roh'') (Spain), ¡mesero! (''meh-SEH-roh'') (Latin America), ¡mozo! (''MOH-zoh'') (Argentina)
; I'm finished. : He acabado, terminé (''heh ah-kah-BAH-doh, tehr-mee-NEH'') (The first phrase can refer to the finishing of a completely unrelated physiological activity)
; It was delicious. : Estaba delicioso/muy bueno/muy rico. (Arg.) (''ehs-TAH-bah deh-lee-SYOH-soh/MOO-ee BWEH-noh/MOO-ee REE-koh'')
; Please clear the plates. : Puede llevarse los platos. (''PWEH-deh yeh-BAHR-seh lohs PLAH-tohs'')
; The check, please. : La cuenta, por favor. (''lah KWEHN-tah, pohr fah-BOHR'')
Note that you must ask for the bill. A ''gringo'' was known to have waited until 2 in the morning because he was too shy to ask :).
Hàng 424 ⟶ 428:
; club : club (''kloob'')
; Could we dance here? : ¿Podríamos bailar aquí? (''poh-DREE-ah-mohs BAI-lahr ah-KEE?'')
; What time do you close? : ¿A qué horashora cierranusted cierra? (''ah KEH OH-rah oos-TEHD SYEHR-rah?'')
; Do you serve alcohol? : ¿SirvenSirve bebidasusted alcohólicasel alcohol? (''SEER-beh oos-TEHD ehl ahl-koh-OHL?'')
; Is there table service? : ¿Hay servicio a la mesa? (''eye sehr-BEE-syoh ah lah MEH-sah?'')
; A beer/two beers, please. : Una cerveza/dos cervezas, por favor. (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah/dohs sehr-BEH-sahs, pohr FAH-bohr'')
; A glass of red/white wine. : Un vaso de vino tinto/blanco. (''oon BAH-soh deh BEE-noh TEEN-toh/BLAHN-koh'')
; A pint (of beer) : ''Una jarra de cerveza'' (normally it will be half a liter, not really a pint); In LatinChile Americaor Argentina ''un choppschop'' might be anywhere from 300mL to one litre; in Spain the most common is ''una caña'' which is 200mL in a tube glass; you can also ask for ''un quinto'' (200mL bottle) or ''un tercio'' (330mL bottle)
; A glass of draft beer : ''Un choppschop'' (''oon CHOHPSHOHP'') (Chile and Argentina) / ''Una cerveza de barril'' (''OO-nah sehr-BEH-sah deh bahr-REEL'') (Mexico); in Spain you can ask for Cerveza negra, not very common in spanish ''Bares'', but easy to find in ''Pubs'' (Pub=small club where just drinks are served).
; _____ (''hard liquor'') and _____ (''mixer''). : ''_____ con _____.'' In Spain, ''Cubata'' is Coke with whiskey
; A bottle. : Una botella. (''OO-nah boh-TEH-yah'')
; whiskywhiskey : whisky (''WEES-kee'')
; vodka : vodka (''BOHD-kah'')
; rum : ron (''rohn'')
Hàng 439 ⟶ 443:
; tonic water : agua tónica (''AH-gwah TOH-nee-kah'')
; orange juice : jugo de naranja (''HOO-goh deh NAH-rahn-hah'')
; Coke (''soda'') : Coca-Cola (gaseosarefresco) (''KOH-kah-KOH-lah (gahreh-SEHFREHS-oh-sahkoh)'')
; Do you have any bar snacks? : ¿TienenTiene piqueosalgo para picar? (''TYEH-neh AHL-goh PAH-rah pee-KARH'') (In Spain they will give you tapas (''TAH-pahs''), depends a lot on the bar.)
; A toast! : ¡Un BrindisBrindi! (''oon BREEN-deesdee'')
; One more, please. : Otro/a ______, por favor. (''OH-troh/ah pohr-FAH-bohr'')
; Another round, please. : Otra ronda, por favor. (''OH-trah ROHN-dah, pohr fahFAH-VOHRbohr'')
; Cheers! : ¡Salud! (''sah-LOOD'')
; When is closing time? : ¿Cuándo cierran? (''KWAHN-doh SYEHR-rahn'')
; Do you have this in my size? : ¿TienesTiene esto ende mi talla? (''TYEH-neh EHS-toh deh mee TAH-yah?'')
; How much is this? : ¿Cuánto cuesta? (''KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?'')
; That's too expensive. : Es muydemasiado caro. (''ehs deh-mah-MYAH-doh KAH-roh'')
; Would you take Visa/American dollars? : ¿Aceptan Visa/dólares Americano? (''ah-SEHP-tahn BEE-sah/DOH-lah-rehs ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh?'')
; expensive : caro (''KAH-roh'')
; cheap : barato (''bah-RAH-toh'')
; I can't afford it. : Es muy caro para mí. (''ehs MOO-ee KAH-roh PAH-rah mee'')
; I don't want it. : No lo quiero. (''noh loh KYEH-roh'')
; You're cheating me. : Me estasestá engañando. (''meh ehs-TAH ehn-gah-NYAHN-doh'')
; I'm not interested. : No me interesa. (''noh meh een-teh-REH-sah'')
; OK, I'll take it. : De acuerdo, me lo llevaré. (''deh ah-KWEHR-doh, meh loh yeh-bah-REH'')
; Can I have a bag? : ¿TienesTiene una bolsa? (''TYEH-neh OO-nah BOHL-sah'')
; Can you ship it to my country? : ¿PuedesPuede enviarlo a mi país? (''PWEH-dah ehn-BYAHR-loh ah mee pah-EES?'')
; I need... : Necesito... (''neh-seh-SEE-toh'')
; ...batteries. : ...pilas/baterías (''PEE-lahs/bah-teh-REE-ahs'')
Hàng 474 ⟶ 478:
; ...a postcard. : ...una postal. (''OO-nah pohs-TALH'')
; ...a razor. : ...una hoja/navaja de afeitar/rasuradora (machine) (''OO-nah OH-hah/nah-BAH-hah deh ah-fay-TAHR/rah-soo-rah-DOH-rah'')
; ...shampoo. : ...shampoochampú. (''shahmchahm-POO'')
; ...stomach medicine. : .... medicamento para el dolor de estómago (''meh-dee-kah-MEHN-toh PAH-rah ehl doh-LOHR deh ehs-TOH-mah-goh'')
; ...soap. : ...jabón. (''hah-BOHN'')
Hàng 485 ⟶ 489:
; I want to rent a car. : Quiero alquilar un autocoche (Spain)/carro (South America). (''KYEH-roh ahl-kee-LAHR oon KOH-cheh/KAHR-roh'')
; Can I get insurance? : ¿Puedo contratar un seguro?
; STOP (''on a street sign'') : STOP (''stohp'') (Spain), ALTO (''AHL-toh'') (México), PARE (''PAH-reh'') (Chile, Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Puerto Rico)
; one way : undirección soloúnica sentido(''dee-rehk-SYOHN OO-nee-kah'')
; no parking : prohibidono aparcar (''noh ah-pahr-KAHR'') , no estacionar (''noh ehs-tah-syoh-NAHR'')
; speed limit : límite de velocidad (''LEE-mee-teh deh beh-loh-see-DAHD'') , velocidad máxima (''beh-loh-see-DAHD MAHK-see-mah'')
; gas/petrol station : gasolinera (''gah-soh-lee-NEH-rah'') , estación de bencina (''ehs-tah-SYOHN deh behn-SEE-nah'') (Chile), estación de servicio (''ehs-tah-SYOHN deh sehr-BEE-syoh'') (Argentina)
; gas/petrol station :estación de servicio, grifo
; gas/petrol : gasolina (''gah-soh-LEE-nah'') , bencina (''behn-SEE-nah'') (Chile), nafta (''NAHF-tah'') (Argentina)
; diesel : gasóleo (''gah-SOH-leh-oh'') , diesel (''DYEH-sehl'') (Latin America), gasóil/diésel (''gah-SOIL/DYEH-sehl'') (Spain)
; diesel : petróleo
; I haven't done anything wrong. : No he hecho nada malo. (''NOH eh EH-choh NAH-dah MAH-loh'')
Hàng 530 ⟶ 535:
; I've been raped! : ¡He sido violada/do! (''eh SEE-doh byoh-LAH-dah/doh'')
[[w:Tieng Tay Ban Nha]]
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