* 38.9172Afghanistan1 Afghanistan, (Chancery) 2341 Wyoming Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 234-3770. Consulate hours 9AM-. The consulate is at 2233 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite #216
Albania, 1312 18th St NW, ☎ +1 202 223-4942, miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1 202 628-7342.
Algeria, 2118 Kalorama Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 265-2800.
Angola, 2100-2108 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 785-1156, fax: +1 202 822-9049. M & W 9:30AM-1PM drop off documents only; Tu & Th noon-3PM pick up documents only.
Antigua & Barbuda, 3216 New Mexico Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 362-5122.
Argentina, 1600 New Hampshire Ave NW; Consular at 1811 Q St NW (Sarmiento Building), ☎ +1 202 238-6400, fax: +1 202 332-3171.
Armenia, 2225 R St, ☎ +1 202 319-1976.
Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 797-3000, miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1 888 239-3501. M-F 9AM-noon and 2-4PM.
Austria, 3524 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 895-6700. M-F 9AM-5PM.
Azerbaijan, 2741 34th St NW, ☎ +1 202 337-5912, fax: +1 202 337-5913. M W F 10AM-noon; Phone Inquiries M-F 2-5PM.
Bahamas, 2220 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 319-2660, +1 202 319-2667. The consular section is at 1025 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 305
Bahrain, 3502 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 342-0741.
38.9417Bangladesh2 Bangladesh, 3510 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 342-8372.
Barbados, 2144 Wyoming Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 939-9200.
38.9119Belarus3 Belarus, 1619 New Hampshire Ave NW (New Hampshire Ave & Corcoran St, Dupont Circle Metro Station), ☎ +1 202 986-1606. M-F 9:30AM-12:30PM; telephone inquiries 2-6PM.
38.9269Belgium4 Belgium, 3330 Garfield St NW, ☎ +1 202 333-6900, +1 202 352-6428 (Emergencies only). M-F 9:30AM-12:30PM and 12:30-4PM; Visa applications M-F 9:30AM-noon.
Belize, 2535 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 332-9636. M-F 8:30AM-3:30PM.
38.9181Benin5 Benin, 2124 Kalorama Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 232-6656, +1 202 232-2611 (Consular Section). M-F 9AM-5PM.
Bolivia, 1825 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 200C, ☎ +1 202 232-4827, +1 202 232-4828, fax: +1 202 232-8017. M-F 9AM-3PM
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2109 'E' St NW (along 'E' St NW between Virginia Ave and 21st St NW, across from the US State Dept. building), ☎ +1 202 337-1500.
Botswana, 1531-1533 New Hampshire NW, ☎ +1 202 244-4990. M-F 8:30AM-4PM.
Brazil, 3006 Massachusetts Ave NW; Consulate at 1030 15th St NW, ☎ +1 202 238-2700. M-F 8AM-4:30PM.
Brunei, 3520 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 237-1838.
Bulgaria, 1621 22nd St NW, ☎ +1 202 387-0174.
Burkina Faso, 2340 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 332-5577.
Burundi, 2233 Wisconsin Ave NW, Ste 408, ☎ +1 202 342-2574. M-Th 9AM-5PM and F 9AM-2PM.
Cambodia, 4530 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 726-7742.
Cameroon, 3400 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 265-8790, e-mail: washington@international.gc.ca.
Canada, 501 Pennsylvania Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 682-1740, miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1 844 880-6519. M-F 9AM-noon.
Cape Verde, 3415 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 965-6820.
Central African Republic, 2704 Ontario Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 483-7800. M-F 10AM-4PM.
Chad, 2401 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 652-1312.
Chile, 1736 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 530-4104, +1 202 530-4106, +1 202 530-4107. M-F 8:30AM-1:30PM.
China, (Chancery) 3505 International Pl NW, ☎ +1 202 495-2266, +1 202 337-1956 (visa section).
Colombia, 1724 Massachusetts Ave NW, 2nd Flr, ☎ +1 202 517-6500, miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1 888 764-3326. M-F 8AM-2PM.
Congo (Republic) Chancery, 1720 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 726-5500. M-F 10AM-4:30PM.
Congo (Democratic Rep), 1100 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite #725, ☎ +1 202 234-7690. M-F 9AM-5PM.
Costa Rica, 2114 S St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-2945.
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), 2424 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 797-0300. M-F 9AM-1PM and 2-3:30PM.
Croatia, 2343 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 588-5899.
Cuba, 2630 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 797-8518.
Cyprus, 2211 R St NW, ☎ +1 202 462-5772.
38.9392Czech Republic6 Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom St NW, ☎ +1 202 274-9100. Embassy is also accredited to Antigua, Barbuda and Jamaica with residence in Washington DC
Denmark, 3200 Whitehaven St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-4300.
Djibouti, 1156 15th St NW Ste 515, ☎ +1 202 331-0270.
Dominica, 3216 New Mexico Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 364-6781.
38.9131Dominican Republic7 Dominican Republic, 1715 22nd St NW, ☎ +1 202 660-2263, +1 202 332-6280. Consular hours M-F 9AM-1PM and 2-3:30PM.
East Timor, 3415 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 965-1515.
Ecuador, 2535 15th St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-7200.
Egypt, 3521 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 895-5400.
38.9089El Salvador8 El Salvador, 1400 16th St NW, Suite #100 (Resources & Conservation Center), ☎ +1 202 595-7500. M-F 9:30AM-5:30PM.
Equatorial Guinea, 2020 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 518-5700.
Eritrea, 1708 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 319-1991.
Estonia, 2131 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 588-0101.
Eswatini (Swaziland), 1712 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 362-6683. Embassy is also accredited to the United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile and Venezuela with residence in Washington DC
38.9418Ethiopia9 Ethiopia, 3506 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 364-1200.
- European Union, 2175 K St NW, ☎ +1 202 862-9500, e-mail: delegation-usa-info@eeas.europa.eu.
Fiji, 2233 Wisconsin Ave NW Ste 240, ☎ +1 202 337-8320.
Finland, 3301 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 298-5800.
France, 4101 Reservoir Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 944-6000.
Gabon, 2034 20th St NW Ste 200, ☎ +1 202 797-1000.
Gambia (The), 2233 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Georgetown Plaza, Suite 240, ☎ +1 202 785-1399.
38.912438Georgia10 Georgia, 1824 R street, NW Washington DC, 20009, ☎ +1 202 387-2390, fax: +1 202 387-0864, e-mail: washington.emb@mfa.gov.ge. 9AM-6PM.
Germany, 4645 Reservoir Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 298-4000.
Ghana, 3512 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 686-4520.
Greece, 2221 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 939-5800.
Grenada, 1701 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 265-2561.
Guatemala, 2220 R St NW, ☎ +1 202 745-4953. M-F 9AM-5PM.
Guinea, 2112 Leroy Pl NW, ☎ +1 202 986-4300.
Guinea-Bissau, Rue 6 X B Point E, BP 2319 Dakar, Senegal, ☎ +221 33 825-9089. They don't have an embassy in Washington DC or an ambassador accredited to the U.S. from another embassy of theirs. Most travelers apply for visas in their limited number of diplomatic missions in Europe or in Africa before entering the country.
Guyana, 2490 Tracy Place NW, ☎ +1 202 265-6900.
Haiti, 2311 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 332-4090. M-F 9:30AM-4:30PM.
Holy See (The), 3339 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 333-7121.
Honduras (Consular Section), 1990 'M' St NW (NW corner of the building at M & 20th St NW), ☎ +1 202 525-4001. M-F 9AM-4PM.
Hungary, 3910 Shoemaker St NW, ☎ +1 202 362-6730.
Iceland, 2900 'K' St NW Ste 500 (Same location as the Swedish embassy in the House of Sweden), ☎ +1 202 265-6653. M-F 9AM-4PM. Embassy is also accredited to Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay with residence in Washington DC.
India, 2107 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 939-7000. All visa applications are handled by Cox & King Global Services LLC (see below):
- Cox & King Global Services LLC (CKGS), 1250 23rd St NW, Suite #100-50, Washington DC 20037, ☎ +1 917 444-7911, +1 917 444-7752. By Appointment only. They accept and process applications for Indian passports, visas, OCI cards, PIO cards and applications for the renunciation of Indian citizenship. (cập nhật vào tháng 7 2020)
- Consular Wing, 2536 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, ☎ +1 202 939-7000 (Emergencies only). M-F 10AM-12:30PM. Other consular matters such as emergency assistance. (cập nhật vào tháng 7 2020)
Indonesia, 2020 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 775-5200. M-Th 9AM-1PM; F 9AM-noon.
Iranian Interest Section of the Embassy of Pakistan, 1250 23rd St NW, Suite #200 (Btwn M & N St Nw. Same location as Mexico's consulate), ☎ +1 202 965-4990, fax: +1 202 965-1073. M-F 8AM-4PM. The Interest Section serves as a de facto Iranian embassy and consulate to the U.S. under the protecting power of the Pakistani Embassy. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2017)
Iraq, (Chancery) 3421 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 742-1600, fax: +1 202 333-1129. M-F 10AM-3PM.
38.911719Ireland11 Ireland, 2234 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 462-3939.
Israel, 3514 International Dr NW, ☎ +1 202 364-5500.
Italy, 3000 Whitehaven St NW, ☎ +1 202 612-4400.
Jamaica, 1520 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 452-0660.
Japan, 2520 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 238-6700.
Jordan, 3504 International Drive NW Lot 6, ☎ +1 202 966-2664.
Kazakhstan, 1401 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 232-5488.
Kenya, 2249 R St NW, ☎ +1 202 387-6101.
Kosovo, 2175 'K' St NW, Suite #300, ☎ +1 202 265-8000. M-F 9AM-5PM.
Kuwait, 2940 Tilden St NW, ☎ +1 202 966-0702. M-F 9:30AM-5PM.
Kyrgyzstan, 2306 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 449-9822, +1 202 449-9823 (consular section). M-F 10AM-noon; Telephone inquires 2-5PM. |
Laos, 2222 S St NW, ☎ +1 202 332-6417.
Latvia, 2306 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 328-2840.
Lebanon, 2560 28th St NW, ☎ +1 202 939-6300.
Lesotho, 2511 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 797-5532.
Liberia, 5201 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 723-0437.
Libya, 1460 Dahlia Street NW, ☎ +1 202 944-9601, +1 202 944-9605, fax: +1 202 944-9606. M-F 9AM-4:30PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 11 2018)
Liechtenstein, 1300 I St NW Ste 550W, ☎ +1 202 216-0460.
Lithuania, 2622 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-5860.
Luxembourg, 2200 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 265-4171.
Madagascar, 2374 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 265-5525.
Malawi, 2408 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 721-0270, fax: +1 202 721-0288.
Malaysia, 3516 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 572-9700.
Mali, 2130 R St NW, ☎ +1 202 332-2249.
Malta, 2017 Connecticut Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 462-3611.
Marshall Islands, 2433 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 234-5414.
Mauritania, 2129 Leroy Pl NW, ☎ +1 202 232-5700.
Mauritius, 1709 'N' St Nw, ☎ +1 202 244-1491.
Mexico, (Chancery) 1911 Pennsylvania Ave NW (Between 19th & 20th St NW), ☎ +1 202 728-1600, miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1 855 463-6395.
- Mexico consular section, 1250 23rd St NW, Suite #2 (Along 23rd St NW between M & N St), ☎ +1 202 736-1000. M-F 8:30AM-6:15PM. They visit the Mexican communities in Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia in their "consulados sobre ruedas" (consulate on wheels) program to provide consular services and answer questions (cập nhật vào tháng 4 2020)
Micronesia, 1725 N St NW, ☎ +1 202 223-4383.
Moldova, 2101 S St NW, ☎ +1 202 667-1130.
Monaco, 888 17th St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-1530. M-Th 9AM-5PM, F 9AM-2PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 4 2020)
Mongolia, 2833 M St NW, ☎ +1 202 333-7117.
Montenegro, 1610 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 234-6108.
Morocco, 1601 21st St NW, ☎ +1 202 462-7979.
Mozambique, 1990 M St NW Ste 570, ☎ +1 202 293-7146.
Myanmar, 2300 S St NW, ☎ +1 202 332-9044.
Namibia, 1605 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 986-0540.
Nepal, 2131 Leroy Pl NW, ☎ +1 202 667-4550.
Netherlands, 4200 Linnean Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 244-5300.
New Zealand, 37 Observatory Cir, ☎ +1 202 328-4800.
Nicaragua, 1627 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 939-6570.
Niger, 2204 R St NW, ☎ +1 202 483-4224.
Nigeria, 3519 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 986-8400.
North Macedonia, 2129 Wyoming Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 667-0501, +1 202 667-2104, e-mail: washington@mfa.gov.mk. M-F 9AM-5PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 4 2020)
Norway, 2720 34th St NW, ☎ +1 202 333-6000.
Oman, 2535 Belmont Rd NW, ☎ +1 202 387-1980.
Pakistan, 3517 International Court NW, ☎ +1 202 243-6500.
Palau, 1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 452-6814.
Panama, 2862 McGill Terr NW, ☎ +1 202 483-1407.
Papua New Guinea, 1779 Massachusetts Ave NW Ste 805, ☎ +1 202 745-3680. The embassy in Washington DC is also accredited to Canada and Mexico
Paraguay, (Chancery) 2209 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 483-6960. M-F 9AM-5PM.
Peru (Chancery), 1700 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 833-9860.
Philippines (Chancery), 1600 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 467-9300.
- Philippines consular section, 1617 Massachusetts Ave NW (Across the street from the Philippines Embassy), ☎ +1 202 467-9300. M-F 8:30AM-3PM to accept documents for processing and 3-4PM to return processed documents.
Poland, 2640 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-3800.
Portugal, 2125 Kalorama Road NW, ☎ +1 202 328-8610.
Qatar, 2555 'M' St NW, ☎ +1 202 274-1600, +1 202 320-0803 (for emergencies only), miễn phí cuộc gọi: +1-855-836-9255 (from pay phones only).
Romania, 1607 23rd St NW, ☎ +1 202 332-2392, +1 202 332-2395, +1 202 332-4858, e-mail: contact@informatiiconsulare.ro. M-F 10AM-4PM.
Russian Federation (Chancery), 2650 Wisconsin Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 298-5700.
Rwanda, 1714 New Hampshire Ave NW, #540, ☎ +1 202 232-2882. M-F 9AM-5PM; Consular Services 9AM-1PM & 1:30PM-3PM. The embassy in Washington DC is also accredited to Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
St. Kitts and Nevis, 3216 New Mexico Ave NW (OECS Building), ☎ +1 202 686-2636. Embassy also serves as a permanent mission to the Organization of American States (OAS)
Saint Lucia, 1629 'K' ST NW, Suite #1250 (Davis Building along K St between 16th & 17th St NW), ☎ +1 202 364-6792.
Saint Vincent/Grenadines, 1627 'K' ST NW, Suite #1202, ☎ +1 202 364-6730. Embassy is also accredited as a non-resident High Commission to Canada
Saudi Arabia, 601 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 342-3800.
Senegal, 2215 'M' St NW, ☎ +1 202 234-0540.
Serbia, 2233 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite #410, ☎ +1 202 332-0333.
Sierra Leone, 1701 19th St NW, ☎ +1 202 939-9261. Office Hours: M-F 9AM-5PM; Consular Hours 10AM-3PM. Embassy is also accredited to the United States of America, The Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad Tobago and Venezuela with residence in Washington DC
Singapore, 3501 International Pl NW, ☎ +1 202 537-3100.
Slovakia, 3523 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 237-1054.
Slovenia, 2410 California Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 386-6601.
Somalia, 1609 22nd St Nw, ☎ +1 202 853-9164. M-F 9AM-5PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2017)
Somaliland, 6019 Tower Ct, Alexandria VA, ☎ +1 703 370-1423. Not internationally recognized as a sovereign state but rather an autonomous region north of Somalia. Therefore this representative office serves as a de facto consulate for travelers. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2017)
South Africa, 3051 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 232-4400. M-Th 8AM-5PM, F 8AM-2PM.
Republic of Korea, 2450 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 939-5600. M-F 9AM-noon.
South Sudan, 1015 31st St NW, Suite #300, ☎ +1 202 293-7940. M-F 9AM-1PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 9 2017)
Spain, 2375 Pennsylvania Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 452-0100.
Sri Lanka, 3025 Whitehaven St, ☎ +1 202 483-4025, +1 202 352-0355 (for after hours emergencies).
Sudan, 2210 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 338-8565.
Suriname, 4201 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 460, ☎ +1 202 244-7488.
Sweden, 2900 K St NW (House of Sweden building), ☎ +1 202 467-2600. M-F 8:30AM-5PM; Reception closed noon-1PM. Passports 2PM-4:30PM by appt only.
38.9283Switzerland12 Switzerland, 2900 Cathedral Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 745-7900.
Syria, 2215 Wyoming Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 232-6313. Due to the ongoing civil war, the embassy in Washington was closed in 2014. The Syrian government has not appointed another government to serve as a protecting power in the U.S. The URL link for this listing is to the Syrian embassy in Amman, Jordan.
Taiwan (Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office), 4201 Wisconsin Ave, ☎ +1 202 895-1800, e-mail: usa@mofa.gov.tw. Taiwan does not have formal diplomatic relations with the United States and therefore no embassy, although this representative office acts in much the same way from the traveler's perspective.
Tajikistan, 1005 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 223-6090.
Tanzania, 1232 22nd St NW, ☎ +1 202 939-6125, +1 202-884-1083 (Visa), +1 202 330-2718 (Emergency).
Thailand, 1024 Wisconsin Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 944-3600.
Togo, 2208 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 234-4212.
Tonga (Consulate), 1350 Old Bayshore Hwy, Suite 610, Burlingame CA 94010 (One Bay Plaza Building), ☎ +1 650 685-1001. Tonga has no resident embassy in Washington, DC, but has a permanent representative to the United Nations in New York who is also accredited as ambassador to the United States. Tonga maintains a Consulate-General in San Francisco, California. (cập nhật vào tháng 10 2017)
Trinidad and Tobago, 1708 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 467-6490.
Tunisia, 1515 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 862-1850.
Turkey, 2525 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 612-6700. M-F 9AM-6PM.
Turkmenistan, 2207 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 588-1500.
Uganda, 5911 16th St NW, ☎ +1 202 726-7100.
Ukraine, 3350 M St NW, ☎ +1 202 349-2963.
United Arab Emirates, 3522 International Ct NW, ☎ +1 202 243-2400.
United Kingdom, 3100 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 588-6500.
Uruguay, 1913 I St NW, ☎ +1 202 331-1313.
Uzbekistan, 1746 Massachusetts Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 887-5300.
Venezuela, 1099 30th St NW, ☎ +1 202 342-2214, +1 202 627-1444 (for the consular section). Closed since 2018. (cập nhật vào tháng 1 2019)
Vietnam, 1233 20th St NW Ste 400, ☎ +1 202 861-0737.
Yemen, 2319 Wyoming Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 965-4760.
Zambia, http://www.zambiaembassy.org/, ☎ +1 202 234-4009. M-F 9:30AM-5PM. (cập nhật vào tháng 4 2020)
Zimbabwe, 1608 New Hampshire Ave NW, ☎ +1 202 332-7100.